Turn video content into a 24/7 sales rep for your business.

We help businesses craft high-quality brands and attract high-quality clients with video content.

Project Showcase

Some of Our Best Work

Does your business face any of these problems?


Without a clear path to success, you’re likely to expend time, money, and energy on diverse marketing endeavors that yield minimal or no outcomes.


Your online brand does not reflect what sets your business apart from competitors.


You’ve tried posting content but have found it to be mostly ineffective.


You’ve tried making videos but it doesn’t look as good as others that you’ve seen.

  • We’ll craft custom content strategies tailored to your business and ideal customer.

  • We produce high-quality videos for your business to establish an online presence.

  • You and your team will be trained on how to create organic video content that helps build the brand and scale your business.




  • Between zero to two months, our focus lies on qualitative feedback. This entails receiving comments, direct messages, emails, engaging in person conversations, and participating in calls where individuals provide feedback such as, "The content you shared recently was incredibly helpful; I even shared it with my CEO," or "Your recent post helped me overcome a challenging problem."

    Reflecting on my own experiences launching LinkedIn, YouTube, podcast, and TikTok channels, I recognized the importance of qualitative feedback during the initial stages. It serves as the primary indicator of audience engagement and allows us to make necessary adjustments to our content strategy. If our content isn't reaching enough customers or prospects, we proactively share it with them through various means.

    Moving into the three to six-month mark, while qualitative feedback remains crucial, we begin to incorporate quantitative feedback. We monitor metrics such as impressions, views, likes, comments, and shares, aiming for an upward trend. As we maintain consistency and witness increased engagement, both audiences and algorithms take notice, thereby facilitating momentum.

    Within the first 90 to 120 days, we are looking to close deals. And while such successes aren't guaranteed, they illustrate the impact of effective content delivery. Realistic expectations and ongoing evaluation guide us through each stage of our journey.

    Beyond six months, our focus shifts towards generating consistent inbound leads. If we're not securing sales conversations or booking meetings regularly by this point, adjustments are necessary. It's essential to understand that inbound leads may not flood in automatically after six months; continuous refinement and innovation remain imperative.

    To measure the success of our content strategy effectively, we rely on a combination of qualitative and quantitative feedback, alongside the tangible outcomes of brand building and revenue generation. Additionally, implementing a robust tracking system for inbound leads allows us to attribute successes to specific channels or platforms.

    Remember, the journey towards content strategy success is dynamic, requiring constant adaptation and improvement. By prioritizing feedback and maintaining a keen awareness of performance indicators, we pave the way for sustained growth and impact.

  • Faust Film is for any company that sees value in social media marketing and could use some help in one of the following areas:

    1.) Social Media Strategy

    You may have a social media account but not much of an idea of what you’re doing with it.

    2.) Content Creation

    You’ve tried making your content but it never meets your standard of quality.

    3.) High-Quality Video Production

    You need some high-quality content to establish your high-quality brand.

    4.) Social Media Optimization

    Maybe you’ve posted consistently on social media and even had a pretty good plan in place but still didn't see the results you wanted.

    If your company could use help in any of these areas that is good news because that means your company has a lot of room to grow!

    Contact us to find out exactly how we can help!

  • The short answer is both which is why we offer a hybrid content marketing strategy. By producing both types of videos you get the best of both worlds.

    Producing high-quality videos establishes a high-quality brand and attracts high-quality clients. And as great as it would be to post these videos all the time, unfortunately, high-quality video production often takes a decent amount of time and money.

    Luckily, producing lower-quality DIY content will allow you to produce content more consistently and connect to prospecting clients on a more human level. Just make sure you post high-quality content along with this lower-quality content or else people will begin to associate the low quality with your brand.

    And just to clarify, when I talk about low-quality content, I’m talking about the production quality. The information you are sharing should always be high-quality and of value to your customers.

Schedule a 15-minute Assessment Call today!

During this 15-minute call, we'll explore your needs, provide insights, discuss goals, and tailor a strategy to elevate your online presence through compelling visuals and storytelling.